2. EXTENSIVE REPORT IS BEING PREPARED ON A FRESH APPROACH TO THE PROBLEM - We just hired three kids fresh out of college.
3. CLOSE PROJECT COORDINATION - We know who to blame.
4. MAJOR TECHNOLOGICAL BREAKTHROUGH - It works OK, but looks very hi-tech.
5. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IS DELIVERED ASSURED - We are so far behind schedule the customer is happy to get it delivered.
6. PRELIMINARY OPERATIONAL TESTS WERE INCONCLUSIVE - The darn thing blew up when we threw the switch.
7. TEST RESULTS WERE EXTREMELY GRATIFYING - We are so surprised that the stupid thing works.
8. THE ENTIRE CONCEPT WILL HAVE TO BE ABANDONED - The only person who understood the thing quit.
9. IT IS IN THE PROCESS - It is so wrapped up in red tape that the situation is about hopeless.
10. WE WILL LOOK INTO IT - Forget it! We have enough problems for now.
11. PLEASE NOTE AND INITIAL - Let`s spread the responsibility for the screw up.
12. GIVE US THE BENEFIT OF YOUR THINKING - We`ll listen to what you have to say as long as it doesn`t interfere with what we`ve already done.
13. GIVE US YOUR INTERPRETATION - I can`t wait to hear this bull!
14. SEE ME or LET`S DISCUSS - Come into my office, I`m lonely.
15. ALL NEW - Code not interchangeable with the previous design.
16. YEARS OF DEVELOPMENT - It finally worked!
17. LOW MAINTENANCE - Impossible to fix if broken.